Dear Friends, This space is intended to be an open space in which I can freely express my daily thoughts. Your suggestions, comments and criticisms are all welcome. Please do take the time to share your comments with me, regardless of how you feel about the contents of my blog. Thank you in advance. CA

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

-The Cycle of Love Between Father and Son-

Put your hand in mine my son said the youn man to his newborn son. Let me hold it firmly as you learn to walk. Fear not, for your tumbles would hurt me more than they could ever hurt you.
You now know how to walk my son, so walk towards and sit here by my side.
Give me some of your time and share with me your dreams. I was once your age too, and I know how much I enjoyed this same conversation with my own father so many years ago.
Share with me your fears my son, if we talk them over, we can make them disappear. Don’t let small things take a minute of your precious time my son, there are much more important things in life to worry about.
Sit here by my side my son, let me teach you how to read. I will be patient and comprehensive, later we can share a book.
I am getting old my son so remind me how to walk, for I can no longer do it without your help. My legs are getting weaker and I am slower day by day.
Read this book for me my son, for my eyes are tired and cannot see well. Your eyes will become my eyes and I rely on you now to read the paper.
Feed me like I once fed you my son. I am now fully dependant, and it is you who must care for me now. I cannot do on my own, the simple things that I once taught you.
Give me some affection my son, said the old man. The same kind I permanently offered you as a child. Make me feel worthy of your love and tell the world with pride that I am your father. Remember that it is me now who needs you, and you mustn’t put me aside. Don't turn your back on your old man now, for I have never forsaken you.

Put your hand in mine my son, said the young man to his child. Let me show you the place where your grandfather lies. He was a good man who taught me to walk, read and to love. The cycle is now complete and I must teach you to walk my little boy. Let me tell you stories about your grandfather and everything that he did for me. I promise to share my time with you, my beloved son. And we can talk for hours and dissipate your fears and troubles…


-Dedicated to my father, the one I am fortunate to have by my side.

Friday, December 09, 2005

-All You Need is Love-

I was a boy when I heard the news flash. I lived in an apartment near the Columbia University district, in Manhattan, New York. It was a cold December day and the television was on when I heard the horrific news: “John Lennon has been shot dead”. At first I was sceptic, did not know how to react. I wanted to cry, but I didn’t know quite know why. After all, I had never met the man. I just knew his songs. He was not my friend, he was just a singer whose songs I loved and whose life was truly worth imitating. Sure, he was someone who had had a terrible childhood, and even so he became someone in life, someone to look up to. A peace maker, a dreamer, a lover of life, a lover of love.
What in the world could make somebody want to kill such a nice guy, that man with long hair and round glasses with the funny accent? All I knew was that some crazy guy named "mark something" had just shot John five times. Why? I still don’t understand.

The news coverage was complete. And if I close my eyes I almost see the image shown on TV, a large crowd gathered in Central Park holding candles in their hands while singing “All you need is love” with tears in their eyes. Even now, as an adult, when I remember that scene I can easily break down.

But what I really want is to offer a humble tribute a man whose life has marked mine in so many different ways. John Lennon, he inspired so many people, so many lives, including mine. I always smile when I hear my five year old son sing “All you need is love”. Yes, he's only five but he definitely knows who Johs Lennon was. And he is yet another one of the millions of admirers of the man.

John, your message of love is being spread around the world this very moment, and you are as present in our lives as you ever were.

My eternal gratitude for your contribution of love and peace on earth.


Monday, December 05, 2005

-Great week ahead of me-

I arrived to the office this morning, made myself some coffee and sat in front of my computer while holding my favourite mug. Like every Monday morning, the first thing I do is open the inbox of my email and check to see if there was something of interest. Indeed there was! A good friend of mine had read my earlier post (“ I want to go ho ho home”) and wrote me a long email to tell me that I am a grade A pessimist. Now, if I didn’t know her well enough I could have said that maybe she didn’t understand the essence of my post and that she had misinterpreted it. But no, not her. I think she fully understood the mood that I was in while I wrote what I did. I think she knows me a little too well.
Not too often do I begin my week with an email on my inbox telling me to be optimistic and to live life as if there is no tomorrow. I am beginning to suspect that this week will be extraordinary and that many sudden turns such as this one will make me smile during my moments of pressure.
In case that you, my dear friend from abroad, are reading this new post… just a word of thanks for the eye opener.

Friday, December 02, 2005

-I want to go ho ho home!-

December has arrived and along with it, the millions and millions of advertisements reminding you to buy everything you see. You can have it now and you can pay for it later is what they all say. Sales here, sales there, sales everywhere or at least that’s what they all say. Now, that doesn’t sound bad if you are one of those consumers that need to do your shopping for this coming Christmas. But, what if you add to that the large crowds that hurry to and fro. And if you are still not tormented by the thought, then simply remember that In Santiago the temperatures are no less than 30º in the shade. Now it is beginning to sound chaotic, huh? But wait; let me tell you that unfortunately there is more. Yes, believe it or not, it can get worst. Political campaigns everywhere. Pictures of politicians everywhere. Men and women you never even heard of have pictures everywhere. No matter where you look, there they are. Sound like total chaos in Santiago, huh. Patience my friends, there is more. Working in the heart of Santiago has some benefits, sure. But what if I told you that no matter what time I walk the streets, there is always some sort of noisy crowd, asking for your vote and putting down the other candidates. Now, picture this: you are walking to have lunch just a block away from your office, through a fully crowded street, crowd marching by your side, another crowd coming the opposite way. All of them have whistles in their mouth and wave their flags proudly. You feel the hot pavement burn the soles of your shoes. Offers here, sale there, buy anything anywhere, but do buy!
At the end of the day, you want nothing more than some peace and quiet place to sit and read the paper. No more columns of politics or politicians and their shallow promises.
Now, where in the world can I find that? I think I am moving to the north pole, as soon as I figure out where the hell it is that Santa Claus lives, just to be sure that I live on the other extreme of the pole, just in case he is a lousy neighbour.