Dear Friends, This space is intended to be an open space in which I can freely express my daily thoughts. Your suggestions, comments and criticisms are all welcome. Please do take the time to share your comments with me, regardless of how you feel about the contents of my blog. Thank you in advance. CA

Friday, September 30, 2005


September ends, another month that slowly leaves its mark and makes its way to the back of our minds. And life seems to pass slowly, except for one thing: March! It is sneaking up on me! The special occasion is slowly coming my way, a wedding! I have been there before and I know just what can happen but I must admit that I am terribly excited. But the sole idea of "marriage" frightens me. A young blonde girl (too young from my point of were expecting that, weren't you!) will bond in holy matrimony. Will this mark the end of an era and the beggining of a new one? Will things change between her and me? Will it be a happy matrimony? Will I suffer of a heartattack before the end of the ceremony? Wow, too many questions that have yet to be answered. But in the meantime, I can only patiently wait for the moment to arrive.
A new life for her, and no doubt a different life for me.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005


Many companies fail to perdure in time due to weak structures and foundations. There are many examples that we can name, nevertheless, for the purpose of this post, the idea is disregarded.
A business cannot be fully functional without the feeling of loyalty of its employees. Each and every one of the people that comprise that company must feel that their contribution has a direct effect upon the daily, weekly, monthly and even yearly results. They must feel that they have key funtions. However, modern companies and their management fail see that, and encourage managers fail to interact with their subordinates and do not see them as equals. Furthermore, the carrot and the stick method is still viewed as the best way to success. This not only makes the workers feel exploited to the maximum, but the workers limit their functions and do only what they are told to, do in fear of the reprisal. Imagination, contributions, ideas and criticisms to the system are simply not tolerated by those on top, when it is the workers themselves who know the core business and its weaknesses.
As long as we continue to adopt such mentality, there is little or no future at all for many companies.

Monday, September 26, 2005


Doctor Alexander Lowen defines "Narcissistics" as individuals who do not love themselves and thus are incapable of loving anyone else. They are too concerned about the image reflected to the external world to explore the inner-self. One of their main characteristics is their seductive and manipulative behaviour to grasp control over situations. Furthermore, according to Dr. Lowen's study, individuals who suffer of this tend to be: egotistics, focused on their own interests but lacking true values of the "self". They are more concerned about how the world views them rather than what they feel. After reading Dr. Lowen's book, not only have I opened my eyes widely to understand this cultural phenomenon, but I have also become more aware of the problem and of those around me who suffer it.
The reason I post this is quite simple; you are not aware of what you truly feel until you realise just who you are and what you truly feel.
I would strongly recommend this book to anyone who is in the path of self-awareness and may be caught in the middle of relationships that are simply not healthy.

Friday, September 23, 2005


Hectic week no doubt about it. Lots of emotions, both good and bad, spinning inside my head. And there is only one way for me to cope with these things: go to my favourite place in the world, The Japanese Garden at the San Cristobal Hill, that I so love. It's in the heart of the city, yet when I am there, it feels as if all of the emotions were left at the doorstep. You walk in clean and pure of thoughts.
To feel the breeze on my face, those generous rays of sun shining on my hair when the weather is in a good mood. The peace and quiet that fills my ears, and the lovely colours spread in every corner.
There is a winding brick road at the entry and a small bamboo bridge that crosses over a small water flow from a cascade of water. If you look up, all you will see are gigantic and beautiful green trees that make any thought in your head simply vanish into thin air.
There is a bench in the right side of the garden, in which I could sit for hours, alone, thinking about the bauty of life. And I usually do. It's no surprise to find me there on the cool afternoons of the weekend just cleaning my soul, preparing it for another beating of the new coming week.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005


Being a father of two beautiful children is no piece of cake. Especially if you take into account that I have been divorced for almost five years. Time seems to fly when you must make your day compatible with your work and later with your kids. It has been exhausting, nevertheless the most gratifying activity I have ever done.
I have little or no time at all for my personal life now. All the time I have on my hands I spend it with my kids as I really want them to look back to these days without any regrets. And I wish to be judged fairly by them and by all of the sacrifices I have had to deal with just to be able to hold them in my arms several times a week.
Currently, my former wife and I seem to get along better than we ever did during marriage but it is because now, we both agree on one thing: we love our children too much.
Every day, in every way, I feel that my love for both of my children has grown tremendously, and with a tremendous joy I add that that love is mutual. So deep and so strong is this love for them, that I decided to share it with each and every person who reads this post.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005


Decisions. Millions and millions of decisions. Some small, some were made instantly, others however, I took ages to make. But that is what my past is comprised of, millions and millions of decisions. Some right, some wrong. But every wrong decision brought a little lesson and a little wisdom with it. There is no doubt about it, I have indeed tripped over the same rock twice before, and maybe three times, or five times, maybe even ten. But that was the cost of learning a valuable lesson, and it always quite worth the consequences.
Time has taught me to value my mistakes, to analise them carefully and most of all, to listen to those who have made similar mistakes! Not because it will help you avoid the same mistake, as you will make it! But because can learn how to get up faster after the fall. I guess you can even say that I am exited to "trip and fall" every now and then. It is life offering me a new lesson, and with gratitude I accept it and try to learn. But most of all, mistakes are a part of life and without them, learning is simply not possible.

Monday, September 12, 2005


And there I was, inside the cockpit of the plane, looking at the instrument panel. And each and every word written by Richard Bach in that wonderful book "Biplane" came to mind as I sat in there! Yes, it is a privilege to have all of these indicators. Not only do they make it easier for the pilot to ensure a safe trip, but it also guarantees that, if you pay close attention to them, you will make it back to runway 19 alive and happy.

María Jesus, my fiancée, laughs at my amusement and cannot wait until we reach airspeed to take off and climb up to the sky! Santiago can be a gorgeous place if you look at it from 7500 feet above ground level. But before I actually go flying, I must take the time to inspect my aeroplane, my wings, my friend. That beatiful piece of machinery that can turn lighter than air. The usual "walk-around" procedure and we'll be up and running in no time at all. After a while I notice that, despite Maria Jeus' anxiety, I have a strange hunch about flying that day. Something is telling me to stay on the ground. And so, relying on my instict, I decide to put the flight off for a couple of days. Yes, flying is simply amusing, but as the old saying goes, "it's better to be on the ground desperately wishing that you were up in the sky, than in the sky wishing desperately that you were on the ground".

I did not fly that sunday morning, and María Jesus wanted to kill me. And I still can't figure out what was worst: having an emergency in mid-air, or having the arguement in the middle of the road. On the positive side, I lived to tell.

Friday, September 09, 2005


If you take a moment to analyze the lyrics of Roger Water's "Perfect Sense", you will realise that, indeed, his point of view not only makes perfect sense, but it is an accurate picture of what today's world is like. A real eye-opener. I must confess, the melody is simply great, and for quite some time I had never actually paid enough attention to what the heart of his message is. Today, however, not only do I fully "understand" his lyrics, but also agree with each and every word. The world has changed, and it has changed for good, like it or not.
Man and monkey, monkey and man....Give it some thought...Anything can be justified...and worst of all...."it all makes perfect sense expressed in dollars and cents, pounds, shillings and pence"...

Tuesday, September 06, 2005


Operator, would you be so kind as to insist on the long distance call I am trying to make?
-Sir, we have tried several times and there is absolutely no answer. Do you wish you try yet once again?
-Yes please, it is a very important call.-
The telephone rings, and rigns, no answer.
-Operator, I think that I'll try again tomorrow. Thank you for your kindness. Have a nice day.-

I pace myself and wonder if I have the number right. And I read it outloud, and yes, it is the right number! I guess I'll try again tomorrow. I have spent over two hours trying to get through and it is clear that no one will pick up the phone, and it is way past midnight. I wake up early the next day and decide to dial once again.

-Operator, may I help you?-
-Yes, please I would like to make a ling dist...
-Are you the same gentleman who tried calling the same number last night for over two hours?-
-Y......yes, yes I am....and I would like to try once more please.-
-Just a minute sir....this call must be very important- she adds.
-Oh, you cannot imagine how important it is madam. I have a serious complaint and I must get through!-

And the phone begins to answer. At this point I begin to get mad and frustrated and start to yell in the middle of my empty apartment with the telephone im my hand.

-Why won't he take my calls!! Why?? Too busy for me??!! Yes, everyone seems to be too busy for me lately!!!! I want to get trhough!!!!!-

Suddenly, and as I am about to hang up, a deep voice on the other side of the line says:
-Finally! This is Claudio!!! Why haven't you answered my calls? Is it something personal?? Why are you doing this to me, that is all I want to know. Just tell me that and I will not bother you again.-
-Claudio? Claudio who?? - This irritated me even more.
-Claudio Aliaga!!! You don't even remember me!
-Claudio? My son Claudio? I thought you had completely forgotten about me. It's been so long that I did not recognise your voice, or the number. How are you, son? I see you are in the middle of muddy waters lately, but you haven't asked me for help so I should assume you can handle it.
-Haven't asked for help? What do you mean?? I get myself into trouble and all you seem to be doing is adding more problems to my already hectic and restless life. I thought you would be there to lend a hand! If you see someone drowning, do you actually let them drown if they don't formally ask for help??-

-You see son, -He adds- that's the problem with all of My children. They all come seeking help when the going gets tough. But not many of you take a moment to thank Me for what you already have. I don't hear from you often, Claudio, unless it is a complaint, or to ask Me to change something you have done wrong without previously consulting Me, or consulting your heart. It would not kill you to say a little prayer to Me every now and then, asking me to bless others, not just yourself. All of your brothers have needs, Claudio. And some of them, as troubled as they may be, pray to Me thanking the many blessings they have in their lives. Why can't you?-
At this point I am beggining to understand many things. I guess that I have not been much of a son. I should have spent more time thanking instead of thinking, doing instead of wishing. Acting instead of criticising.
-Does that mean you won't help me any more Father? -
-Not at all son, all I ask is that you become a better man. Look around more often and you shall see that there are many that are not half as fortunate as you, and yet live their lives happily, joyfully.-
Then it hits me. Of course, how can I get help when I don't ask for it?! How can I live my life concerned about my own problems, and nothing but my very own problems, never taking the time to actually see just how fortunate I am indeed.
So I hang up the phone, I thank the holy Father for his time....and pray to Him that the telephone bill will not be too big.