Dear Friends, This space is intended to be an open space in which I can freely express my daily thoughts. Your suggestions, comments and criticisms are all welcome. Please do take the time to share your comments with me, regardless of how you feel about the contents of my blog. Thank you in advance. CA

Wednesday, September 14, 2005


Decisions. Millions and millions of decisions. Some small, some were made instantly, others however, I took ages to make. But that is what my past is comprised of, millions and millions of decisions. Some right, some wrong. But every wrong decision brought a little lesson and a little wisdom with it. There is no doubt about it, I have indeed tripped over the same rock twice before, and maybe three times, or five times, maybe even ten. But that was the cost of learning a valuable lesson, and it always quite worth the consequences.
Time has taught me to value my mistakes, to analise them carefully and most of all, to listen to those who have made similar mistakes! Not because it will help you avoid the same mistake, as you will make it! But because can learn how to get up faster after the fall. I guess you can even say that I am exited to "trip and fall" every now and then. It is life offering me a new lesson, and with gratitude I accept it and try to learn. But most of all, mistakes are a part of life and without them, learning is simply not possible.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I definitly agree with that and at first I thought your picture was a jar of marmite doh..

12:32 PM

Blogger Claudio Aliaga said...

Thanks for the comment Loz. I appreciate it.
Claudio Aliaga C.

11:32 AM


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